Thank you for using our eStatement service. The latest eStatement of Management Fee Account for [CUSTOMFIELD7] is attached for your kind attention.
Since you have chosen to receive eStatement, kindly be advised that paper statement will no longer be delivered to you.
Should you have any inquiry, please feel free to contact us at 2362 6186. |
Whampoa Property Management Ltd
G/F, Block F, Hunghom Bay Centre
92-112 Baker Street, Hunghom
Kowloon, Hong Kong
PMC Licence No. 物業管理公司牌照號碼 C-543193 |
The Registered Owner / Occupier |
電話 |
Telephone |
: |
繳費靈商户編號 |
PPS Merchant Code |
: |
繳費靈賬單類別 |
PPS Bill Type |
: |
賬户號碼 |
Account Number |
: |
單號 |
Statement Number |
: |
日期 |
Date |
: |
Property Address |
: |
因截數日期後之付款金額並未計算在此賬單內,如已繳清賬項,則毋須理會有關金額。 |
Payment made after Cut-Off Date is not included in this statement, please disregard it if full payment has been made. |
For cheque payment, please return this payment slip with cheque. |
賬 户 號 碼 |
Account Number |
: |
物 業 地 址 |
Property Address |
: |
單 號 |
Statement Number |
: |
應 繳 款 項 |
Total Amount Payable |
: |
1) Please do not reply to this email since it is from an unmonitored automated mailbox. Should you wish to contact us, please call 2362 6186 for assistance.
2) The information contained in this e-mail is private and confidential and intended solely for the specified addressee. If you are not the addressee and received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately at 2362 6186 and forthwith delete this e-mail from your system without using, copying, forwarding, disclosing or storing the e-mail or information contained herein.
3) Whampoa Property Management Limited shall not in any way be liable or responsible for any loss or damage of whatsoever nature caused by or arising from any mistake, inaccuracy, printing or technical error or omission contained in this statement or any application of or reliance on the contents of this statement. Thank you. |
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